Monday, February 28, 2011

Austin's 15 Month Appointment

Austin had his 15 month doctor's appointment today. For those of you who are interested in this sort of thing here are his stats.  He is 26lb 13oz, 31.75in, and his head circumference is 48. That is the 83rd, 76th, and 74th percentiles respectively. Yes, he is a big boy.

Other things about Austin at this age: He can walk very fast now, almost what I would call a run. Basically this means if we set him down somewhere you better keep a close eye on him because he will be gone quick. He has also recently learned how to walk backwards and he can almost walk down stairs by himself. He loves to climb and has recently learned how to get on the coffee table, so we had to move that out of our living room.
 He talks a lot but not much of which we can understand. He can say uh-oh, mama, dada, and yes. He also loves to shake his head and say uh-uh when he is unhappy with his circumstances. He will raise his arms above his head if you say "touchdown," wave if you say "bye-bye," and clap if you say "are you a good boy?"
He loves being read to, throwing balls (and just about anything else too), stacking blocks, and putting smaller items into bigger containers. He also loves playing with the dog and helping me unload the dishwasher :) It seems to be his life's goal to catch the cat but he has yet to do that.
He is a very good sleeper most of the time, sleeping around 11 hours at night and 1 nap of 2-3 hours after lunch.
He is a pretty good eater with his favorite foods being cheese, grapes, and bread. We dropped his last bottle today so he is now officially only drinking from a sippy cup.
He is a very good natured kid who rarely meets a stranger and loves to give hugs.
That's about all I can think of for now. I will update more later.

Verse Of The Day: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." ~Luke 12:34

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